NYSCEA Delegate's Responsibilities

Delegates are expected to participate in NYSCEA’s DELEGATE ASSEMBLY (which consists of two voting representatives from each member group). The assembly meets three times/year. The Assembly is presided over by an EXECUTIVE BOARD which includes the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and Committee Chairpersons who keep in contact with their team or committee members regularly, and make recommendations to the Delegate Assembly.

Responsibilities of Delegates are:

  • Represent your organization and its membership
  • Attend 3 meetings per year
  • Collaborate with NYSCEA affiliated organizations
  • Act as liaison between your organization and NYSCEA and NYS Education Department
  • Serve as voting member for all NYSCEA business
  • Bring your organization’s issues to NYSCEA business meeting
  • Register for meetings and ensure member association dues are paid
  • Disseminate NYSCEA information to your organization’s membership
  • Provide your organization information to NYSCEA Executive Manager
  • Utilize technological communications, including list-serve and NYSCEA website

If your organization is interested in becoming a member, please review the eligibility requirements.



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